Ms.Sunnie Toh Hui Sung
Professional Trainer & Coach, The Impact Maker
- Certified Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Program (NFNLP)
- Certified NLP Coach (ABNLP)
- Certified Colored Brain Communication Coach (DCI)
- Certified Leader as Coach ( SGA)
- Certified Trainer PSH (University Malaysia Pahang)
- Accredited Trainer ( HRDC)
- Certified SCRUM Master (AGILE Framework)
- Certified ISO Quality System Auditor (2000)
- Certified Satir Family Therapy Practitioner (L2)
- Designed and popularized transformative programs in Communication & Presentation, Neuro & Behavioural Science, with a good record of more than 80 successful workshop since 2020
- SMEs Leadership Coaching has helped the companies gained a reduction of attrition rate to level below baseline, and improve tremendously on workforce efficiency and motivation
- Youth Leadership Program for Young leaders and Speaker development has trainer more 10 schools with hundreds of student benefitted from the program in the period of 2019-2022.
- Guest Speaker for Career Talk, Leadership Bootcamp and Summit for hundreds of delegates
- Moderator and facilitator – IN-tech conferences on Circular Economy and Triple Bottom
- Emcee and organizing committee – PMI Northern Region Conference 2022, with the attendant of a 250 delegates
- Education Lead – Toastmaster Annual Conference of District 51 2021 & 2022, with a good line- up of 20+ international Speakers and total of 200 delegates.
- Speech & Debate trainer and judge for various contest namely World Scholar’s Cup, JCI Public Speaking Contest, Toastmasters International Speech with a cumulative of 150 judging experiences in the past 8 years